The birth of Amaroo Eco.
When we created Amaroo Eco we wanted to present a range of environmental friendly products that will save you time and money.
It all started with trying to get chemicals away from cleaning your home and work place by using Microfibre cloths – back before the multi-level marketing companies made them popular.
When we discovered Soap Nuts, we were skeptical at first. We always knew that the laundry detergent we were using was toxic. But we were shocked! Soap Nuts really did work. Once we realized Soap Nuts were completely safe, natural, economical and effective, we had to share what we had found with others which is why we created Amaroo Eco.
Then came the toothbrushes, most people don’t even think about disposing of their toothbrushes, (I know we didn’t) it was just something we used and discarded. – over 1000 tonnes per year in Australia alone.
The Environmental Toothbrush was the first of its type in the world and was invented right here in Brisbane. Amaroo Eco is proud to have this product in our range, and have a goal of getting one in every home in Australia.
Amaroo Eco’s product range is always growing so keep coming back to see what’s new.
But while your are here, have a browse around our Amaroo Eco site you might find something you like either for you or for a friend.
Our products are:
- Vegan & Environmentally Friendly
- Sustainably Sourced
- Fair Traded Products
- No Animal Products
- Most are either Biodegradable and/or Compostable
- Recyclable Packaging
- Shipped directly to Brisbane to minimize our carbon footprint
For Amaroo Eco, it has been about providing a range products that are safe for our family but also very effective.
Living a sustainable life means better health for us and for our world.